How to Pick the Best Car Accident Attorney for Your Case


Personal injury attorneys are everywhere. You see their signs all over town and hear their catchy jingles on the radio, but, just because they are paying for these advertisements does not mean they are the best attorney available to you. The following tips are a good guideline in determining which attorney will best represent you and get the results you deserve.

Do your Homework

Car accident attorneys are abundant. You have to be willing to put in the time and energy to find the best attorney for your case. Picking the most popular or cheapest attorney will not guarantee you success in your case. Meeting with multiple attorneys and having the opportunity to ask them about the details of your case, their game-plan, and their credentials, will be crucial.

Attorney vs No Attorney

Weighing the benefits of an attorney against filing a claim yourself will be an important consideration, but generally an easy decision. Making a claim on your own can be done, but at a cost. Time, money, and potentially more money if your case is complicated or your claim is denied. Having an attorney on your side will alleviate the stresses of dealing with insurance companies, lawyers, and medical facilities. It will also put someone in your corner that has years of practice and experience with similar cases, who can navigate the system easily. Although you may want to avoid paying an attorney, their benefits generally outweigh any fees associated with their services.

Know the Attorney’s Win/Loss Record

How many personal injury suits have they tried and won? A tried and true track record is the key to picking the best attorney. A young, flashy attorney with little experience may have the cheapest rate, but the odds are then lower that you will win the money you deserve. Understanding their past successes will help you gage how your case will go.

Make the Attorney Win You Over

Keep in mind that these attorneys want your business. Although you are coming to them needing help, you hold the power because they want to make money as well. If you don’t feel comfortable with the attorney and how they will handle your case, walk away. You are under no obligation to hire an attorney if you do a consultation with them.

Understand the Fee Structure

Car accident attorneys have the ability to create their own fee structure on a case by case basis. In meeting with your potential attorneys, discuss the fee structure that would be used in your case. The attorney will choose hourly, contingency, or a mixture of both is common. Understand that if they are working on contingency, then they will not get paid unless they win you money in the settlement. This means that there is no cost to you if they can’t get any money for you in the end. This will incentivize the attorney to focus on your case and ensure they receive a good outcome.

Call our Personal Injury team at (480) 467-4392 to discuss your case today.

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