Knowledge Base

Arizona’s Obstructing Governmental Operations Laws (A.R.S. 13-2402)

Introduction According to A.R.S. 13-2402, you can get arrested for obstructing governmental operations by interfering with law enforcement duties or by using physical force

Arizona’s Unlawful Flight Laws

Introduction According to A.R.S. 28-622.01, it’s illegal to attempt to elude or willfully flee from a law enforcement vehicle that’s signaling you to pull

Defend Against Theft Charges in Arizona

Introduction If you’re having trouble with a theft charge in Arizona, get the superior legal counsel you deserve at JacksonWhite Law. Our criminal defense

Can a Grandmother Be Arrested for Kidnapping a Grandchild in Arizona?

Key Takeaways Depending on their intent, grandmothers or grandfathers can face felony-level kidnapping charges in Arizona if they take their grandchild without legal custody

Facilitation Charges in Arizona

In Arizona, there are preparatory crimes that can be charged to those who, while not necessarily having physically committed a crime, have facilitated crimes

Illegal Control of an Enterprise Laws in Arizona

Introduction According to A.R.S. 13-2312, the crime of illegal control of an enterprise occurs when a person uses racketeering (or related means) to maintain

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