Knowledge Base

How Long is a Natural Life Sentence in Arizona?

Introduction Many people get confused when distinguishing a life sentence from a natural life sentence, as they sound extremely similar. Countless people think that

Reckless Burning Laws in Arizona

Introduction Arson is the crime of knowingly and maliciously setting fire to a structure, property or wild land area. Examples include deliberately setting fire

Drug Trafficking Laws in Arizona

Drug trafficking is the act of transporting illegal drugs across state or national borders. This can include substances such as cocaine, heroin, marijuana, methamphetamine,

Arizona’s Peeping Tom Laws (Surreptitious Recording)

Introduction The term “Peeping Tom” refers to voyeurism, or viewing another person without their consent, for sexual gratification. Specifically, A.R.S. 13-1424 (abbreviated in parts

Arizona Fraud Laws

Introduction Fraud is the general term used to define a range of offenses involving dishonesty or misrepresentation of fact, a falsified statement, or deceitful

White Collar Crimes in Arizona

Introduction White collar crimes can involve a wide variety of charges, like embezzlement, fraud, tax evasion, and more. Since they’ve become much easier to

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