Knowledge Base

Arizona Boating Laws for DUI

Introduction As the weather warms up across the state of Arizona, many locals will soon be taking their boats out of storage to prepare

Unlawful Discharge of a Firearm in Arizona

Executive Summary Arizona law defines unlawful discharge of a firearm as a person recklessly firing a gun within or into the boundaries of any

Extreme DUI in Arizona (A.R.S. § 28-1382)

In the state of Arizona, there are three different crimes that you can be charged with for driving under the influence: DUI, Extreme DUI,

How to Send Money to a Maricopa County Inmate’s Trust Account

Introduction In Maricopa County, jails do not allow inmates to carry cash with them while they are serving their sentence. Because of this, inmates

Can I be sentenced to jail if I can’t afford my court fine in Arizona?

Introduction Yes, failure to pay the fines and court fees associated with being in the criminal justice system can lead to jail time. However,

Second Degree Murder vs Voluntary Manslaughter in Arizona

Introduction 20-year-old David Silva was arrested and charged with murdering 19-year-old Anthony Hernandez at a Halloween party in 2012. Despite LA police sending 3

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