Knowledge Base

Can You Get A DUI Expunged In Arizona? What To Know

Executive Summary In Arizona, clearing a DUI from someone’s record is called setting aside a conviction. Although it is a similar process, technically, only

Arizona Animal Cruelty Laws

Executive Summary Animal cruelty encompasses intentional or negligent acts to an animal, such as mistreatment, withholding medical care, causing physical harm, leaving them in

Racketeering Laws In Arizona

Introduction Racketeering is a common white-collar crime that can include a variety of potential offenses, usually centering around a desire for financial gain. This

Child Endangerment Laws In Arizona

Introduction Caregivers like parents, grandparents, and babysitters can all face charges of child endangerment if they intentionally or recklessly put a child in harm’s

Is a DUI a Felony in Arizona?

In 2022, The Arizona Governor’s Office of Highway Safety reported 2,114 traffic stops that resulted in DUI arrests. Driving under the influence of alcohol

Arizona’s Armed Robbery Laws

Introduction Armed robbery charges come with serious penalties. In Arizona, armed robbery is taking someone’s possessions by using a deadly weapon such as a

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