Category: Employee Rights

What are the Sick Leave Laws in Arizona?

Introduction Over 58% of Arizona voters cast a vote in favor of Proposition 206 (AZ Prop 206) in November 2016. Though heavily contested, the

Can an Employer Schedule You Outside Your Availability in Arizona?

Introduction Like most states, Arizona is an at-will employment state, which means that the employment agreement can be severed or altered by the employer

Can My Employer Disclose My Medical Information To Other Employees?

Information There are a number of federal laws that protect against the disclosure of employee medical information in the workplace. While the language of

Most Employers Cannot Require an Employee to Take a Lie Detector Test

Introduction The Employee Polygraph Protection Act (EPPA) prohibits most private employers from using lie detector tests, whether they’re implemented during the course of employment

Employee Confidentiality Rights

Employee confidentiality rights are an increasingly controversial legal topic. On the one hand, federal and state law protect an individual’s right to privacy (even

Basic Employee Rights

Introduction It may not feel like you have many rights when you’re stuck working mandatory overtime over the weekend, but every employee in the

Qualifications For Unemployment in AZ

The unemployment insurance program is administered jointly by state and federal agencies. Its goal is to provide temporary financial assistance to individuals who become

Disabled Workers Rights

Introduction While discrimination in the workplace based on race, color, religion, national origin, and gender has been outlawed since 1964, discrimination based on an

Arizona Right to Work Laws

Introduction Unions, organized labor, and employment issues are a hot topic right now in American politics. Issues such as the minimum wage and right

Small Business Employee Rights

Introduction All businesses with 15 or more employees are subject to federal labor laws. The standards and regulations from these federal laws are enforced

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