Category: Wages and Overtime

What Is Considered Full-Time Employment In Arizona?

Introduction If you are working in the state of Arizona, your rights as an employee are protected by state and federal law. Both the

Independent Contractor vs. Employee

Introduction What’s the difference between an independent contractor and an employee in the state of Arizona? Many employers in the state label their workers

Do Arizona Employees Get Paid for Missing Work Because of Jury Duty?

Introduction Many Arizona businesses provide employees with wages when they miss work for jury duty, but they aren’t required to by law. In Arizona,

How Long are Payroll Checks Good For In Arizona?

Introduction Are you wondering what happens if you don’t pick up your check or what to do with uncashed payroll checks? It’s important to

How Long Does an Employer Have to Correct a Paycheck Error?

Introduction Wondering about underpayment penalties in Arizona or what to do about missing hours on your paycheck? Everyone loves payday, but discovering that you

Tipped Employment Issues

Introduction The service industry, particularly restaurants, operates within a unique payment system. Many workers receive diminished hourly wages assuming the practice of “tipping” will

What Are the Minimum Wage Laws in Arizona?

Introduction It shouldn’t come as a shock that throughout the United States the minimum wage often falls short of the living wage — the

Are companies required to pay out vacation time?

Introduction Final paychecks often give rise to wage disputes, and an employer’s obligation to pay out accrued vacation time is frequently a part of

Is it Legal for an Employer to Pay You Late?

Introduction Employers have a legal obligation to pay their employees fairly and on time. Most businesses are held to these standards by a combination

Is it Legal for Employers to Withhold Wages in Arizona?

Introduction Employees have the right to be paid fairly and on time for their hours worked, and employers are limited in how and when

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