Knowledge Base

HIPAA Violation Penalties for Employees

Employees that work for organizations in the healthcare sector generally receive training on HIPAA rules. This training helps ensure that employees know how to

FMLA Laws in Arizona

Introduction Medical and family issues often leave employees stressed about balancing work and life responsibilities. To aid employees facing these tough situations, the Family

Are Foster Children Covered Under FMLA?

Introduction Foster parents provide a safe and temporary home for children in need of support and stability. Regardless of age, foster children need time

Can You Get a Job with a Medical Marijuana Card in Arizona?

Introduction The Arizona Medical Marijuana Act was passed by voters in 2010 by a narrow margin of just over 50 percent. Since then, more

Maternity Leave Laws in Arizona

Introduction Maternity leave, sometimes referred to as pregnancy disability leave, is time off that an employer provides an employee following the birth of a

Pregnancy Discrimination Laws in Arizona

Introduction Many women continue to work through their pregnancies, often up to their due dates. According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists

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