
San Tan Elder Law Attorneys

JacksonWhite Law: Your Trusted Allies in San Tan

Elder law is a specialized field dedicated to meeting the unique legal challenges that older adults encounter as they grow older. If you need legal assistance as an older adult in San Tan, Arizona our knowledgeable elder law attorneys are prepared to offer guidance when needed.

At JacksonWhite, our team of expert elder law attorneys take an holistic approach to elder care. Our services and resources extend far beyond traditional legal representation to offer Arizona seniors top-tier legal guidance that ensures optimal results.

Elder Law encompasses a broad range of legal services for seniors, from veterans assistance and conservatorships/guardianships/probate to long-term care through Arizona Long Term Care System (ALTCS). Our attorneys take great pleasure in helping seniors make important healthcare decisions pertaining to current or future needs.

JacksonWhite Law elder law attorneys in San Tan have spent decades helping families throughout Arizona overcome legal hurdles. We do this by protecting assets, creating trusts and wills, setting up guardianship agreements and providing services related to elder care. For more information about how JacksonWhite Law can assist, reach out at (480) 467-4337.

ALTCS Assistance for Arizona Seniors

The Arizona Long Term Care System (ALTCS) is a Medicaid program tailored to provide fixed-income adults aged 65 or over as well as those living with disabilities assistance for long-term care services and specific medical-related expenses incurred while residing in assisted living facilities in Arizona.

If you or someone in your family requires assistance with an ALTCS application or services, our San Tan Law attorneys can quickly secure these benefits on behalf of their family members.

Veterans Assistance Benefits in San Tan, Arizona

Elderly veterans may qualify for numerous specific benefits including healthcare, disability insurance, pensions, home loans, education and training benefits. Although applying for veterans assistance benefits may be complex and time-consuming, you or a loved one could qualify – our experienced elder law attorneys in San Tan are on hand to assist with paperwork so your family receives what is owed them.

JacksonWhite offers trustworthy elder law attorneys in San Tan, Arizona to seniors living in San Tan and its surrounding areas. Our elder law lawyers specialize in guiding individuals and families through the complex maze of essential medical and financial preparations required for senior care.

Trust our legal team to guide you through matters related to long-term care, veterans’ benefits, guardianships, conservatorships, estate planning and probate – schedule an appointment with one of JacksonWhite’s attorneys now to learn how we can best protect your interests and create a secure future for yourself.

You can trust the experienced elder law team of Eric MacDonald to meet your legal needs.

Contact Our Elder Law Team Today!

To learn more about how we can assist you, contact JacksonWhite Law at (480) 467-4337 or fill out the form below!

Contact Our ALTCS Team Today

Call (480) 467-4337 or fill out our contact form to schedule your consultation.