Trapaso Criminal

In Arizona, criminal trespassing is classified as first, second, or third degree, with first being the most extreme. Still, no matter what the degree, a trespassing charge is serious and can come with harsh penalties. With the help of the Mesa defense lawyers at JacksonWhite, a trespassing charge doesn’t have to derail your life.

If you have been charged with criminal trespassing in Phoenix or anywhere in Arizona, our criminal trespassing lawyers can help you build the strongest possible defense against your charges. Contact our team today to learn more about how we can support you in avoiding the harshest penalties.

Penalties for Criminal Trespassing in Arizona

Criminal trespassing is charged when an individual intentionally or knowingly remains on someone else’s property without the owner’s permission. Criminal trespassing charges in Arizona are covered under ARS 13-1502, ARS 13-1503, and ARS 13-1504.

Committing an instance of criminal trespassing can come with harsh penalties, depending on the nature of the charge. Criminal trespassing charges can be committed in the first-, second-, or third-degree, with a first-degree charge being the most severe and a third-degree charge being the least.

Penalties for criminal trespassing in Arizona include:

  • Criminal trespassing in the first degree can be a class 1 misdemeanor or a class 6 felony, depending on the circumstances
  • Criminal trespassing in the second degree is a class 2 misdemeanor
  • Criminal trespassing in the third degree is a class 3 misdemeanor

A third-degree trespassing charge can result in a fine of up to $500 and up to 30 days in jail, a second-degree charge can result in a fine of up to $750 and up to four months in jail, and a first-degree charge can result in a fine of up to $2,500 and up to six months in jail. If you are charged with a felony, these penalties can rise to up to 18 months in jail and a fine of up to $150,000

With such high penalties, those facing a charge should seek a skilled criminal trespassing attorney who can craft a defense for potentially reduced charges. Schedule a consultation with our team at JacksonWhite Law to learn more about the options in front of you.

Arizona “No Trespassing” Sign Requirements

There are no explicit requirements for “no trespassing” signs in the state of Arizona, and a no trespassing sign does not need to be present for a trespassing violation to occur. If a property owner wishes to display a sign, a simple sign that reads “no trespassing” or “keep out” is sufficient, as the law only mentions “reasonable notice prohibiting entry” in regard to signs. However, within the City of Phoenix, property owners may submit an “authority to arrest” form. This grants police officers permission to patrol the property and arrest trespassers. Per the terms of the power granted by the city, authority-to-arrest property owners must display a no trespassing sign at all reasonable entrances and at regular intervals on the property boundary. The City of Phoenix recommends these signs be at least 16″ x 24″, specifically mention the A.R.S. 1502 trespassing law, and appear in both English and Spanish languages.

Benefits of Hiring a Phoenix Trespassing Attorney

Hiring a criminal trespass attorney features several key benefits and can help you prepare against a prosecution seeking to pin you with the harshest possible penalties. Without a skilled defense attorney by your side, you are forced to navigate a complex legal system alone. Our team at JacksonWhite will help you prepare for your case, offer extensive legal experience, and give you the tools to push back against the prosecution. When our attorneys represent you in your case, you can expect:
  • Extensive legal experience in Arizona trespassing laws
  • Strategic defense planning tailored to your unique case
  • Protection of your rights and interests in court
  • Experience negotiating with prosecutors for reduced charges or penalties
  • Assistance with expungement or record sealing
Our criminal defense attorneys will pull out all the stops to protect you against the harshest penalties and seek reduced or dismissed charges in your case. Along the way, we’ll offer you peace of mind against the risks of representing yourself.

How We Handle Criminal Trespassing Cases

At JacksonWhite Law, we take a compassionate and strategic approach to all criminal trespassing cases so that we can understand your situation and determine the best path forward. We begin every case with a free case evaluation and consultation to understand the unique details of your situation and analyze your options.

Then, we take the following steps to maximize your chances of success in your case:

  • Thoroughly investigating the circumstances surrounding your case, reviewing any witness accounts or surveillance footage
  • Negotiating with the prosecution to obtain a settlement for reduced or dropped charges
  • Building a defense strategy based on the facts and the possible legal routes available
  • Advocating aggressively for you in court while maintaining professionalism and integrity

Our attorneys work diligently to understand your case and understand the best possible options. Contact us today to learn how we can use our decades of experience to help you maximize the best possible outcome from your case.

Potential Defense Strategies

There are several possible defenses you can use when facing a criminal trespassing charge. An experienced attorney will examine all possible legal routes to have your charges either reduced or dropped entirely. Our attorneys at JacksonWhite have used some of the following potential defenses against a trespassing charge:
  • The defendant had consent from the property owner
  • Lack of intent to trespass
  • Legal right to be on the property
  • The property was public at the time of the charge
  • Police entrapment
  • Mistake of fact
  • Owner’s consent given after entry
  • Necessity or emergency situation
Building a strong defense that applies to your case requires the support of a skilled and experienced criminal trespassing attorney. Our attorneys at JacksonWhite will look at all the details of the case to fully understand the best defense for your unique situation.

What Outcomes Can You Expect?

With an experienced defense attorney by your side, you can maximize your chances of a positive outcome. We’ll review the circumstances of your case to determine the best outcomes we can pursue.  At JacksonWhite, we may be able to help you achieve some of the following outcomes depending on your case:
  • Plea deal – We may be able to negotiate for reduced charges in exchange for a lesser consequence than a fine or jail-time no-contact order.
  • Dismissed charges – With a strong defense against the claims that you were intentionally trespassing on someone’s property, we may be able to get charges completely dismissed in some cases.
  • Alternative sentencing – We may be able to help you avoid a fine or jail time through lesser, alternative sentencing options, like community service or a diversion program.
Every case is different, so the potential outcomes differ too. When you contact JacksonWhite, we’ll help you understand the unique options available to you and help you build a defense strategy that minimizes your chances of facing harsh penalties.

Get Help with Your Trespassing Charges in Arizona

If you have been arrested for first, second, or third-degree criminal trespassing, contact the experienced defense team at JacksonWhite Law. Our team has decades of combined experience, and we have helped thousands of Arizonans reduce their charges.

We offer a free initial consultation to understand the facts around your case and connect you with legal representation as soon as possible. Our attorneys take a compassionate approach to ensure you have the tools and support necessary to navigate a complex legal system and develop a strong defense against harsh penalties.

Call the JacksonWhite Criminal Law team at (480) 467-4370 to discuss your case today.

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We are a full-service law firm focused on serving our clients.

mesa criminal defense location

As a premier law firm, we’ve helped thousands of Arizonans navigate the often daunting process of personal injury litigation.

Our team is ready to fight to get you the compensation you deserve. You can trust our 20 years of experience practicing personal injury law in Arizona.

Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.

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