Knowledge Base

What Does it Mean to be a Conservator in Arizona?

Introduction A conservator is appointed by a judge to help a minor, disabled adult, or an incapacitated person with their financial affairs. Without a conservatorship, only

What Constitutes an Emergency Guardianship in Arizona?

When a probate judge issues a guardianship order, the court appoints a caretaker to handle the personal affairs, healthcare decisions, and/or financial affairs of an

Arizona Guardianship Hearings

Guardianship is intended to provide a substitute decision-maker for adults who are disabled or incapacitated. Guardians are given the authority to assist adults with their

Arizona Court Appointed Guardians for Adults

Introduction When an adult lacks the capacity to care for themselves and make rational decisions, a judge can appoint a guardian to handle their affairs

Applying For Guardianship of a Parent in Arizona

What is Guardianship? Guardianship is a legal appointment that authorizes someone to assist with the personal, medical, and financial affairs of an individual who is

Conservator of an Estate in Arizona

Introduction When an adult becomes mentally incapacitated and can no longer manage their own affairs, a family member, friend, or public guardianship agency may

Contact Our Guardianships & Conservatorships Team

Call (480)467-4313 or fill out our contact form to schedule your consultation today.