Category: Guardianship

Becoming a Court-Appointed Guardian in Arizona

Introduction Caring for struggling loved ones can be challenging. In some cases, deteriorating health can result in impairments and disabilities that affect an individual’s

5 Reasons to Petition Guardianship in Arizona

“Should I Pursue Guardianship?” Deciding to petition the Court for Guardianship of an incapacitated adult can be a hard decision. Sometimes, when considering pursuing

Is a Legal Guardian Responsible for Medical Bills in Arizona?

Introduction Generally speaking, a guardian is not personally responsible for the ward’s (person being taken care of) debts or bills. The guardian has a

What is Plenary Guardianship in Arizona?

Arizona’s Guardianship Laws Are Different Some states offer plenary guardianship, which grants a guardian the right to make all decisions for someone who cannot

How Do I Get Guardianship of My Father in Arizona?

When a parent loses the capacity to handle important aspects of their healthcare, finances, or living situation, it’s often necessary for someone to step

What Constitutes an Emergency Guardianship in Arizona?

When a probate judge issues a guardianship order, the court appoints a caretaker to handle the personal affairs, healthcare decisions, and/or financial affairs of an

Guardianship for Elderly With Dementia in Arizona

Watching an elderly family member or friend suffer from dementia or Alzheimer’s disease is one of the hardest things to witness in this life.

Arizona Guardianship Hearings

Guardianship is intended to provide a substitute decision-maker for adults who are disabled or incapacitated. Guardians are given the authority to assist adults with their

How Do I Relinquish Guardianship of My Husband in Arizona?

In a guardianship, a legal guardian is appointed by the court to handle the affairs of a minor or incapacitated adult (known as the ward).

Duties of a Guardian for the Elderly in Arizona

When an adult becomes incapacitated, a family member, friend, or government agency can petition the court to appoint a guardian. Guardianship proceedings often take

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