
What is the Purpose of Probate in Arizona?

Introduction In the state of Arizona, probate law is governed by Arizona Revised Statutes Title 14 Chapter 3 (ARS 14-3301). Probate proceedings are based

Arizona Probate Law for Someone Who Dies With No Will

Introduction When someone passes away without a will, they die “intestate.” Their assets will transfer to their heirs through probate court according to the

Cost of Arizona Probate

Introduction You will frequently hear that probate is expensive and will take a long time. Of course, the meaning of expensive and time-consuming is

Do I Need Probate If There Are No Assets?

Introduction The primary purpose of probate is to transfer a decedent’s assets to their beneficiaries or legal heirs. When an estate doesn’t have any

How Long Can an Estate Stay in Probate?

Introduction When someone dies, their beneficiaries have up to two years to open probate. Once probate is opened, there aren’t any time limits that

Can a Bank Foreclose on a House in Probate?

Introduction Mortgage agreements don’t dissolve when the homeowner passes away, and if the decedent’s estate fails to make the mortgage payments the bank has

Contact Probate Attorney Ryan Hodges

Call (480)467-4365 or fill out our contact form to schedule your consultation and discuss your best legal options.