Knowledge Base

Who Does a Probate Attorney Represent?

Introduction Probate is a legal process that occurs after a person dies. The deceased individual’s will or estate plan is validated by the court

How To Execute A Living Trust After Death in Arizona

Introduction A living trust is a type of estate planning set up by a person during their lifetime. While they are alive, a person

What To Do When There’s a Lien On Inherited Property In Arizona

Introduction While your inheritance is supposed to be a gift specifically for you, it is often considered a source of money for creditors looking

6 Important Tips on How to Be a Good Executor

Introdution Being named as an executor is a bittersweet honor. While earning this designation shows that someone trusts you implicitly, you only receive the

What Happens if My Spouse Dies and We Are Separated But Not Divorced?

Introduction Dealing with marital issues is never easy. Depending on a couple’s unique situation, they may opt to legally separate instead of going straight

Process for Evicting a Sibling From a Deceased Parent’s Home

Introduction Losing a parent is a traumatic experience all on its own. However, the stress and sorrow are only compounded when a child has

Contact Probate Attorney Ryan Hodges

Call (480)467-4365 or fill out our contact form to schedule your consultation and discuss your best legal options.