Building Credibility for Your Small Business in Arizona

When owning a small business in Arizona, there are many factors to consider, including what product to sell, who you are selling to, what location will attract the most customers, and many more.  But one of the most important things you can do to ensure the success of a small business is maintaining credibility with your clientele.

Credibility is Everything

As Arizona Central found, credibility is everything. Credibility shows customers that your small business is accountable and transparent.  In this day and age, social media and online reviews are becoming bigger every day and with them, more intimate exposure of small businesses. Thus, it is important to keep up good credibility in order to build a good reputation and gain more customers.

How to Build Credibility

Arizona Central found several behaviors for small businesses to avoid when working to build good reputations and credibility:

  1. Empty Slogans: Having generalized slogans that don’t represent the small business accurately.  Small businesses need to advertise their organization truthfully and in a way that best shows the customers who they really are.
  2. Chronic Lateness: Being late to any obligation. This action does not show to the customers that they are the number one priority.
  3. Expense Account Cheaters: Lack of financial accountability (i.e., lying about expenses). This can make customers question whether there is anything else the business is lying about.
  4. Thunder Theft: Copying others’ ideas without paying due respect. Customers do not want to work with a small business that is not truthful about their product.
  5. Cavalier Promises: Making promises that can’t be kept. This does not build a trust between small businesses and their customers.
  6. Mistake Erasing: Pretending to be perfect when really you’re covering up multiple mistakes. When small businesses show their flaws, it lets customers know that they are honest.

Operating a small business in Arizona?

Another way to build credibility is to run a small business that aligns with the state’s laws.

Call JacksonWhite’s Small Business Law Team at (480) 464-1111 to discuss your case today.

Contact Small Business Representation Attorney Dave Weed

Call (480) 464-1111 or fill out our contact form to schedule your consultation today.