Getting Office Space in Arizona for a Small Business on a Budget

Setting up an office space can be quite pricey, but with some planning, you can make it fit your budget.  Here is a list of five things you can do to acquire an office space without breaking the bank:

  1. Share space.  If you haven’t signed a long-term lease, sharing workspaces is an accepted option for a new business.  Sharing a space with another business can help reduce your costs when you’re first starting out.
  2. Lease equipment.  It is not necessary to buy everything you need for your office, and many equipment leases do not insist on having a down payment.  Leasing also permits you to upgrade your equipment every few years.  The only drawback of leasing is that you may end up spending more in the long run.
  3. Take advantage of favorable situations.  Companies that are decreasing in size might offer cheap office space.  Experienced business owners may provide discounts to renters because they are motivated to get rid of their unused property.
  4. Bring your own technology.  Instead of buying expensive computers, you can encourage your employees to bring in their own smartphones, laptops, and tablets to work.  The only drawback is security.  Only one-fifth of small businesses have a plan for managing and securing employees’ personal devices.
  5. Don’t use an office.  With the use of technology, businesses can use smartphones and other mobile devices to make it possible for employees to work from pretty much anywhere.  Not having an office could save you a lot of money.

If you have any questions about small business laws and the legal hurdles associated with owning a business in Arizona, contact an experienced Phoenix small business attorney from JacksonWhite.

Call JacksonWhite’s Small Business Law Team at (480) 464-1111 to discuss your case today.

Contact Small Business Representation Attorney Dave Weed

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