Knowledge Base

How Long Do You Have to Report a Dog Bite?

Introduction Dog bites can be extremely traumatic. They can leave scars, cause paralysis, and leave emotional traumas that don’t easily go away. Sometimes, getting

Maricopa County Animal Laws

Introduction Every county in the United States has its own laws about animals. Maricopa County animal laws are no different. They regulate things such as

Filing Dog Bite Lawsuit When the Owner Has No Insurance

Introduction When a dog attacks a person the situation needs to be handled with care and sensitivity, because there are typically multiple traumatized parties involved.

What are Arizona’s Laws for Rabies Vaccinations?

Introduction Rabies is a serious illness typically transmitted through the saliva of animals. Its symptoms include increased fever, salvation, madness and other abnormal behaviors,

Pima County Dog Laws

Introduction As a pet owner, you have many responsibilities, like taking your dog for walks, providing them a space to play, and making sure

What Happens When a Dog Bites a Person?

Introduction If you have a dog, you know how important they can be to you and your family. They are the source of an incredible

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