Category: Wills

Can an Executor of a Will be a Beneficiary?

Introduction One of the first things a will does is to nominate an executor. This individual, also known as the personal representative, will be

Wills For Second Marriages With Children

Introduction A second marriage can be a wonderful event, but when the union involves spouses with children from a previous marriage, merging finances can

Do Husband & Wife Need Separate Wills?

Introduction When drafting a will, some states give you the option of writing a joint will to cover you and your spouse (note that

What Does An Executor of a Will Do?

Introduction Unless you are an attorney or a financial planning expert, dealing with an estate is probably something you will only do once or

Retirement and Estate Planning

Introduction For many people, retirement may seem like a long ways away and death even further. While it may be many years until you

Estate Planning Document Checklist

Introduction Estate planning can be an overwhelming process. There are so many documents, accounts, and issues that must be made and reviewed along the

Dying Intestate in Arizona

Introduction Dying intestate simply means dying without a will. While this may not sound very frightening, the consequences of dying intestate can be very

Holographic Wills in Arizona

Introduction Have you taken the time to write your own will instead of having an attorney draft one for you? Will your assets be

Arizona Inheritance & Next of Kin Laws

Introduction If you pass on and don’t leave a will in Arizona, your closest relatives will receive your assets according to the state laws

Comparing a Trust to a Will in Arizona

Introduction Estate planning is essential, whether you have a great deal to leave or very little. Taking care of your affairs ahead of time

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