Category: Small Business Representation

Small Business: Tax Planning Tips

Preparing for filing your taxes as a small business owner can be complicated. Here are five tips for small business owners to follow while

Questions that Your Business Plans Should Answer

Business plans help you outline which direction you want your business to go.  Here is a list of the top ten questions every business

Getting Office Space in Arizona for a Small Business on a Budget

Setting up an office space can be quite pricey, but with some planning, you can make it fit your budget.  Here is a list

Ten Tips for Becoming an Acknowledged Small Business Owner in Arizona

Small business owners have numerous things to accomplish during the day.  How do you get everything done?  Here are ten tips gathered from other

How to Write an Effective Mission Statement

For small business owners, having an effective mission statement is just as important as having a strong business plan. Your mission statement should inspire

Reasons Why First-Time Entrepreneurs Fail

Starting a small business is a difficult task, even if you do everything right. 50 percent of new start-up companies fail within their first

8 Tips for Writing a Business Plan

Creating a business plan is an essential step in the entrepreneurial process. While having a business plan doesn’t guarantee that your business will succeed,

7 Steps for Hiring Your First Employee

Starting a business is an exciting time and eventually you’re going to need help keeping everything up and running. Below are 7 helpful steps

Non-Disclosure Agreements Can Protect Company Trade Secrets

A non-disclosure agreement is a good way for businesses to protect trade secrets that they don’t want their competitors to know about. A non-disclosure

Do I Need an Attorney to Start a Small Business in Arizona?

One of the most popular questions regarding any legal matter is “Do I need an attorney for this?” Granted, there are occasions when you

Contact Small Business Representation Attorney Dave Weed

Call (480) 464-1111 or fill out our contact form to schedule your consultation today.