
Category: Custody

Arizona Child Custody Laws for Unmarried Parents

Introduction By the law in Arizona, if a woman has a child out of wedlock, the mother automatically becomes the sole legal custodian until

Legal Decision Making Definition in Arizona

Introduction Thousands of people wind up getting divorced each year in the state of Arizona. Many of these couples have underage children, and working

ARS 13-1302: Custodial Interference Laws in Arizona

Introduction Custodial interference in Arizona is governed by ARS 13-1302. A person can be charged with custodial interference if they knowingly act contrary to

First Right of Refusal Custody in Arizona

Introduction Child custody is a major cause of contention among separated parents. When the parents of a child do not live together, then an

All About Arizona’s Rule 69 Parenting Time Agreement

Introduction The Rule 69 agreement often comes up during divorce and child custody cases in Arizona. It refers to a partial or complete settlement

Emergency Child Custody in Arizona

Introduction When you become a parent, your child becomes the most important person in your life. Suddenly you are responsible for another life, a

The 5 Most Common Ways to Lose Custody of a Child in Arizona

Introduction With the purpose of protecting the state’s children, Arizona’s Department of Child Safety has principles that include having families in stable and healthy

Who Gets Custody of the Family Pet in a Divorce in Arizona?

According to the 2013–2014 APPA National Pet Owners Survey, 47 percent of households in America have at least one dog, and 46 percent have

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