
Category: Custody

If There Is No Custody Order in Place in Arizona, Can I Take My Child?

Introduction When a child is born to unmarried parents, the mother is presumed to have full legal and physical custody. Until the father petitions

Child Visitation Pick-Up and Drop-Off Responsibility in Arizona

Introduction In Arizona, parents are equally responsible for transportation unless the parenting plan says otherwise. The easiest way to share the responsibility equally is

What is the Tender Years Doctrine?

The tender years doctrine (also referred to as the tender years assumption or presumption) is a 19th century English common law principle that a

Joint Custody and School Decisions in Arizona

Introduction A quality education is one of the most important things that your child can receive. It is often why some parents are willing

How to File for Emergency Custody of a Child in Arizona

Introduction As a parent, or even as a grandparent, there may become circumstances where you feel like your child or grandchild is in danger

How to File Custodial Interference Charges in Arizona

Introduction Going through the divorce process is difficult enough, what can make matters even worse is that it may cause animosity between the two

10 Crucial Child Custody Tips for Arizona Fathers

In the past, courts have generally tended to rule in favor of the mother in child custody cases. This precedent has transferred the burden

Filing for Full Custody of a Child in Arizona

Introduction Filing for child custody in Arizona can take from 3 months to an entire year due to the fact that there are so

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