Knowledge Base

ARS 13-105: Absconder Warrant for Probation and Parole Violations in Arizona

Introduction Arizona law defines an absconder as a person who received probation and moved from their residence without consulting their probation officer. It also

Can Police Tap Your Phone in Arizona?

Introduction Is it legal for police tap your phone or look at your text messages without your knowledge? If you’re under investigation by law

Can You Get a DUI on a Bicycle in Arizona?

Is it illegal to be drunk and ride a bike in Arizona? Can you be breath tested on a bicycle? These are important questions

How to Check for Warrants in Arizona for Free

Best Way to Check for Arizona Warrants The easiest option is to search the state’s public court information database online. You can perform a

What are Arizona’s Extradition Laws?

Introduction Extradition cases are serious matters. Regardless of whether the underlying charge is a misdemeanor or felony, you may be immediately incarcerated upon detainment

Arizona Dating Laws

Introduction The age of consent refers to the minimum age an individual can legally consent to having sexual relations. In Arizona, the age of

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