Knowledge Base

FMLA Wrongful Termination

Introduction The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) is a federal law that protects an employee’s right to take unpaid leave for qualified personal

Employee Misclassification in Arizona

Introduction There are two common types of employee misclassification: An employer wrongfully labels an employee as an independent contractor An employer wrongfully labels an

Arizona’s Hostile Work Environment Laws

Introduction Surviving the workweek can sometimes be a challenge, but nobody should be subject to a hostile work environment. The line defining what qualifies

Qualifications For Unemployment in AZ

The unemployment insurance program is administered jointly by state and federal agencies. Its goal is to provide temporary financial assistance to individuals who become

Disabled Workers Rights

Introduction While discrimination in the workplace based on race, color, religion, national origin, and gender has been outlawed since 1964, discrimination based on an

Arizona Right to Work Laws

Introduction Unions, organized labor, and employment issues are a hot topic right now in American politics. Issues such as the minimum wage and right

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