
Knowledge Base

Family Court Trial Procedures in Arizona

Introduction There are a lot of misconceptions surrounding family court and how the trial procedures work. If you are not careful, those misunderstandings could

Arizona Rules of Family Law Procedure Rule 49: What to Know

Introduction Family law cases in Arizona are governed by rules and statutes implemented and enforced by the courts. These rules and procedures are created

Child Abandonment Laws in Arizona: What You Need to Know

Introduction The state of Arizona takes the safety and security of its children very seriously. ARS 8-201(1) defines Arizona’s law on abandonment, it also

What is an Evidentiary Hearing in an Arizona Family (Divorce) Court?

Introduction An evidentiary hearing with regards to family law (specifically divorce) is considered the same as a final hearing and is used to decide

ARS 13-1302: Custodial Interference Laws in Arizona

Introduction Custodial interference in Arizona is governed by ARS 13-1302. A person can be charged with custodial interference if they knowingly act contrary to

First Right of Refusal Custody in Arizona

Introduction Child custody is a major cause of contention among separated parents. When the parents of a child do not live together, then an

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